Pušenje kurca kao obilježavanje na rog mnogih - peter stone "gola istina, ili pms" (3) (video verzija audio knjiga)
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Пушење курца као обиљежавање на рог многих - петер стоне "гола истина, или пмс" (3) (видео верзија аудио књига)
“Why do we love being sucked on dick? Why do adult women love sucking Him to us so much? Because it is the Act of Recognizing Truth as Truth! The woman seems to be paying homage to the Source of all our lives! This is the Rite of Adoration to that Horn of Plenty that feeds and waters all women! This is the Moment of Truth, when, at least in a playful way, in Sex, at least for a while, the Veil of Lies, which is so much in everyday life and in the modern world, falls off, and a Woman feels herself, worshiping a Man!.. For Service to a Man is Her True Destiny, which they themselves acutely feel in the depths of their souls ... "
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Сексуальное ограничение всегда идет рука об руку с определенной трусливостью и осторожностью,
между тем как бесстрашие и отвага связаны со свободным удовлетворением сексуальной потребности.
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Целомудрие - самое неестественное из всех сексуальных извращений.
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